A Course for Your Future
There are many possibilities for your life after high school and lots of questions to consider along the way. What path is right for me? What do I stand to gain? What are my funding options for school? This interactive mini-course provides information and tools to help you answer these questions and more! Through three lessons you’ll explore your options, budget for your future, and evaluate the plan that’s right for you. Get started on your way to investing in what’s next!

Exploring My Options
Budgeting for My Future
Evaluating My Plan

Lesson 1:
Exploring My Options
There are numerous possibilities for your future. In this lesson, you’ll explore your job
interests and desired lifestyle, consider levels of education needed to reach your goals, and
research school options that are right for you. Let’s explore!

Lesson 2:
Budgeting for My Future
Being successful in life after high school requires making
informed decisions about your personal finances. In this lesson, you’ll examine your education
funding options, manage student loans, and balance your desired lifestyle with your expected
future income. Let’s budget!

Lesson 3:
Evaluating My Plan
After you’ve explored your options and created your budget, you’ll be ready to evaluate how the pieces fit together in your personalized plan. In this lesson, you’ll review your plan, test it against scenarios to see how it stands up to unexpected events, and create additional plans for comparison. Let’s evaluate your plan!